With our Normal Courier Service, you can quickly deliver your shipments to your recipient. Our regular courier service makes express deliveries and delivers your shipments quickly and safely.
With our economic courier service, you can make your shipments in an economical and practical way for your shipments that do not have time priority. With Reasonable Prices and Attractive Offers, your shipments are delivered based on the principles of safe and economical transportation.
With our Import Courier service, we respond to your Document/Package Collection Requests from Abroad. Moreover, it is as easy as a click. It is sufficient to send us the address, contact and package information of your sender.
Carrying shipments to more than 200 countries in the world, FAST EXPRESS, with its "Micro Export" (exit with ETGB) service, which is used extensively by our portfolio, with the indirect representation authority for the transactions of the shipments with a weight of 300 kg and a goods value of less than € 15000, Customs Brokerage Fee, bill of lading and warehouse. It does it quickly, without charge. For more detailed information about our ETGB Service, please call us on 0232 425 12 05
With our Airline Export Service, we can transport your export shipments with or without charge, and we carry your Airline Exports within the scope of IATA Rules. With our Airline Export service, we can deliver to the airport or to your recipient's door, in line with your request.
For more detailed information, please call us 0232 425 13 82
We offer fast and practical solutions for your Partial Road Shipments. Your partial loads are transported in accordance with CMR Conditions. We can deliver to Europe under very favorable conditions with alternative and innovative solutions for your economical and non-Time Priority partial shipments.